Flashcards on Grigoriy Skovoroda

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Grigoriy Skovoroda was a famous philosopher and poet from which country?


In which century did Grigoriy Skovoroda live?

18th century

What were Skovoroda's main areas of interest?

Philosophy and education

What is Skovoroda's most famous work?

Dialogues between a Philosopher, a Jew, and a Christian

Which university did Skovoroda study at?

Kyiv-Mohyla Academy

What did Skovoroda advocate for in his writings?

Simplicity, morality, and a life close to nature

How is Skovoroda honored today?

He is considered a national cultural icon in Ukraine

What influenced Skovoroda's philosophical ideas?

Eastern Orthodox Christianity and Ancient Greek philosophy

What language did Skovoroda primarily write in?

Old Church Slavonic

What is Skovoroda's famous quote about people?

Every person is like a worm in rosebud.

What impact did Skovoroda have on Ukrainian literature and culture?

He significantly contributed to the development of both poetry and philosophy in Ukraine.

What progressive ideas did Skovoroda promote?

He advocated for women's education and social equality.

Did Skovoroda leave a significant written legacy?

Yes, his writings have been influential and widely studied.

What is Skovoroda's birth date?

December 3, 1722

What is Skovoroda's death date?

November 9, 1794


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Grigoriy Skovoroda was a philosopher and poet from which country?

In which century did Grigoriy Skovoroda live?

What language did Skovoroda primarily write in?

What is Skovoroda's most famous work?

What influenced Skovoroda's philosophical ideas?

What is Skovoroda's famous quote about people?

What progressive ideas did Skovoroda promote?

What is Skovoroda's birth date?

What is Skovoroda's death date?

What university did Skovoroda study at?

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