Flashcards on Hanseatic League: Medieval Trading Network

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What was the Hanseatic League?

A powerful economic alliance of trading cities in medieval Europe.

When did the Hanseatic League flourish?

During the 13th to 17th centuries.

Which countries were involved in the Hanseatic League?

Germany, the Netherlands, and other Baltic Sea region countries.

What was the main goal of the Hanseatic League?

To promote and protect trade interests of its member cities.

What were Hansa towns?

Cities belonging to the Hanseatic League.

How did the Hanseatic League maintain its monopoly?

By establishing trading posts and enforcing trade laws.

What were the main commodities traded by the Hanseatic League?

Grain, timber, fish, furs, and metals.

What led to the decline of the Hanseatic League?

Competition from other trading powers and political conflicts.

Which modern-day city was a prominent member of the Hanseatic League?

Lübeck, Germany.

What was the Hanseatic League's impact on trade in medieval Europe?

It facilitated the growth of international trade and influenced commercial laws.

What were the privileges granted to Hanseatic merchants?

Exemption from certain taxes and legal protections.

Which language did Hanseatic merchants commonly use for communication?

Middle Low German.

Who organized and governed the Hanseatic League?

The Hanseatic Diet and the Hanseatic Court.

What impact did the Hanseatic League have on maritime technology?

It contributed to the development of shipbuilding and navigation techniques.

What is the legacy of the Hanseatic League?

It left a lasting influence on trade networks and urban development.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which of the following best describes the Hanseatic League?

During which centuries did the Hanseatic League flourish?

Which countries were primarily involved in the Hanseatic League?

What was the main objective of the Hanseatic League?

Which term describes the cities belonging to the Hanseatic League?

What were the main commodities traded by the Hanseatic League?

What led to the decline of the Hanseatic League?

Which city was a prominent member of the Hanseatic League?

What was the common language among Hanseatic merchants?

Who organized and governed the Hanseatic League?

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