Flashcards on Harappan City Planning and Architecture

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What was the primary material used in Harappan city construction?

Baked bricks

Name the two major cities of the Harappan Civilization.

Mohenjo-daro and Harappa

How were Harappan cities divided?

Into the Citadel and the Lower City.

What was the unique feature of Harappan streets?

They followed a grid pattern.

What is the Great Bath commonly associated with?

Ritual bathing or religious ceremonies.

What was the Harappan approach to sanitation?

Advanced, with drains and sewage systems.

What type of artifacts suggest trade in Harappan cities?

Seals, weights, and measurements

What feature of Harappan architecture indicates protection from floods?

Raised platforms or mounds

What was the typical layout of Harappan houses?

Rooms around a central courtyard

Name an important Harappan port city.


In Harappan cities, what was the likely purpose of granaries?

Storing surplus food grains

What was the purpose of the seal with pictographic scripts in Harappa?

For trade and identification of property

Which Harappan city is known for a dockyard?


What probably caused the decline of Harappan cities?

Climate change, deforestation, and earthquakes

Evidence of what dietary practice is found in Harappan remains?

Consumption of fish and meat


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Test Your Knowledge

What were the main materials used in building Harappan cities?

What distinguished the streets of Harappan cities?

Which area in Harappan cities showed evidence of administrative or religious activities?

The 'Great Bath' was found in which Harappan city?

What indicates that Harappans practiced trade?

Where were the Harappan granaries primarily located?

What purpose did the dockyard at Lothal serve?

How did the design of Harappan homes reflect concern for privacy?

What Harappan invention supported their complex sanitation system?

Important reasons for the decline of Harappan civilization may include:

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