Flashcards on Histoire des Médias

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What were the first forms of mass communication?

The first forms of mass communication were cave paintings and oral storytelling.

What was the first newspaper?

The first newspaper was the Acta Diurna published in Rome in 59 B.C.

When were books first printed using a printing press?

Books were first printed using a printing press in 1455.

What was the first radio broadcast?

The first radio broadcast was by Reginald Fessenden on December 24, 1906.

What was the first television network?

The first television network was the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in 1936.

What was the first commercial website?

The first commercial website was NetMarket in 1994.

What was the first social networking site?

The first social networking site was SixDegrees.com in 1997.

When was the first iPhone released?

The first iPhone was released on June 29, 2007.

What was the first viral video?

The first viral video was the Evolution of Dance by Judson Laipply in 2006.

Who is considered the father of modern-day advertising?

David Ogilvy is considered the father of modern-day advertising.

When was the first popular video game released?

The first popular video game, Pong, was released on November 29, 1972.

Who invented the World Wide Web?

Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web.

What was the first search engine?

The first search engine was Archie, created in 1990.

What was the first email message?

The first email message was sent by Ray Tomlinson in 1971.

What was the first online store?

The first online store was Books.com, which was launched in 1992.

What were the first forms of mass communication?

The first forms of mass communication were cave paintings and oral storytelling.

What was the first newspaper?

The first newspaper was the Acta Diurna published in Rome in 59 B.C.

When were books first printed using a printing press?

Books were first printed using a printing press in 1455.

What was the first radio broadcast?

The first radio broadcast was by Reginald Fessenden on December 24, 1906.

What was the first television network?

The first television network was the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in 1936.

What was the first commercial website?

The first commercial website was NetMarket in 1994.

What was the first social networking site?

The first social networking site was SixDegrees.com in 1997.

When was the first iPhone released?

The first iPhone was released on June 29, 2007.

What was the first viral video?

The first viral video was the Evolution of Dance by Judson Laipply in 2006.

Who is considered the father of modern-day advertising?

David Ogilvy is considered the father of modern-day advertising.

When was the first popular video game released?

The first popular video game, Pong, was released on November 29, 1972.

Who invented the World Wide Web?

Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web.

What was the first search engine?

The first search engine was Archie, created in 1990.

What was the first email message?

The first email message was sent by Ray Tomlinson in 1971.

What was the first online store?

The first online store was Books.com, which was launched in 1992.


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