Flashcards on History of Biology

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Who is considered the father of modern biology?

Charles Darwin

Which scientific revolution led to the development of modern biology?

The Renaissance

What is the belief that all living things are made up of cells?

Cell Theory

Who discovered the structure of DNA?

James Watson and Francis Crick

Who proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection?

Charles Darwin

What is the study of fossils called?


Who is known as the father of modern genetics?

Gregor Mendel

What event triggered the development of microbiology?

Discovery of microorganisms

Who proposed the theory of spontaneous generation?


Which scientist discovered penicillin, the first antibiotic?

Alexander Fleming

What is the study of the classification of organisms called?


Who proposed the idea of inheritance of acquired characteristics?

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

What is the study of the development of organisms called?


Who proposed the theory of continental drift?

Alfred Wegener

What is the study of the interactions between organisms and their environment called?



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Test Your Knowledge

Who is known as the father of modern genetics?

Which scientist discovered penicillin, the first antibiotic?

What is the belief that all living things are made up of cells?

Who proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection?

What is the study of fossils called?

What event triggered the development of microbiology?

Who proposed the idea of inheritance of acquired characteristics?

Who discovered the structure of DNA?

What is the study of the classification of organisms called?

What is the study of the interactions between organisms and their environment called?

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