Flashcards on Hitler's Rise to Power

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What was the name of the political party that Hitler led?

The Nazi Party

What year did Hitler become Chancellor of Germany?


What was the name of the book that Hitler wrote while in prison?

Mein Kampf

What was the name of the political party that Hitler tried to overthrow in the Beer Hall Putsch?

The Bavarian Government

What was the name of the paramilitary group that acted as Hitler's personal army?

The SA (Sturmabteilung)

What was the name of the enabling act that gave Hitler dictatorial powers?

The Enabling Act of 1933

Who was the president of Germany when Hitler became Chancellor?

Paul von Hindenburg

What was the name of the secret state police that was under Heinrich Himmler's control?

The Gestapo

What was the name of the program that aimed to create a pure Aryan race through selective breeding?

The Lebensborn Program

What was the name of the treaty that ended World War I and was a major source of resentment for many Germans?

The Treaty of Versailles

What was the name of the night when the Nazis carried out a series of violent attacks against Jews, often called the beginning of the Holocaust?


What was the name of the infamous extermination camp that was responsible for the deaths of around 1.1 million people, mostly Jews?


What was the name of the political party that Hitler tried to seize power from in the failed Munich Putsch?

The Bavarian Socialist Party

What was the name of the treaty that gave the Sudetenland to Germany in exchange for peace in 1938?

The Munich Agreement

What was the name of the Nazi propaganda minister who controlled the media?

Joseph Goebbels

What was the name of the political party that Hitler led?

The Nazi Party

What year did Hitler become Chancellor of Germany?


What was the name of the book that Hitler wrote while in prison?

Mein Kampf

What was the name of the political party that Hitler tried to overthrow in the Beer Hall Putsch?

The Bavarian Government

What was the name of the paramilitary group that acted as Hitler's personal army?

The SA (Sturmabteilung)

What was the name of the enabling act that gave Hitler dictatorial powers?

The Enabling Act of 1933

Who was the president of Germany when Hitler became Chancellor?

Paul von Hindenburg

What was the name of the secret state police that was under Heinrich Himmler's control?

The Gestapo

What was the name of the program that aimed to create a pure Aryan race through selective breeding?

The Lebensborn Program

What was the name of the treaty that ended World War I and was a major source of resentment for many Germans?

The Treaty of Versailles

What was the name of the night when the Nazis carried out a series of violent attacks against Jews, often called the beginning of the Holocaust?


What was the name of the infamous extermination camp that was responsible for the deaths of around 1.1 million people, mostly Jews?


What was the name of the political party that Hitler tried to seize power from in the failed Munich Putsch?

The Bavarian Socialist Party

What was the name of the treaty that gave the Sudetenland to Germany in exchange for peace in 1938?

The Munich Agreement

What was the name of the Nazi propaganda minister who controlled the media?

Joseph Goebbels


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