Flashcards on Holography in Physics

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What is holography?

Holography is a technique that allows the light scattered from an object to be recorded and later reconstructed to form a 3D image.

Who invented holography?

Holography was invented by Hungarian-British physicist Dennis Gabor in the 1940s.

How does holography work?

Holography works by using the principle of interference to create an interference pattern on a photographic plate or light-sensitive material.

What is a hologram?

A hologram is a photographic recording of a light field, rather than an image formed by a lens.

What are the applications of holography?

Holography has applications in areas such as security, art, entertainment, and scientific research.

How is holography different from photography?

Holography captures both the amplitude and phase information of light, allowing for the creation of 3D images. In contrast, traditional photography only captures the intensity of light.

What is the difference between a reflection hologram and a transmission hologram?

A reflection hologram is viewed by reflecting light off the surface, while a transmission hologram is viewed by shining light through the hologram.

What is the role of lasers in holography?

Lasers are used in holography because they produce coherent light that is necessary to create interference patterns on the recording medium.

What is the difference between analog and digital holography?

Analog holography captures the interference pattern directly on a photographic plate, while digital holography captures the interference pattern using a digital sensor or camera.

What are some challenges in holography?

Some challenges in holography include the need for stable light sources, precise alignment, and minimizing unwanted noise or distortions in the holographic image.


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Test Your Knowledge

Who invented holography?

What is holography?

How does holography work?

What is a hologram?

What are the applications of holography?

How is holography different from photography?

What is the difference between a reflection hologram and a transmission hologram?

What is the role of lasers in holography?

What is the difference between analog and digital holography?

What are some challenges in holography?

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