Flashcards on Homestead Strike

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What was the Homestead Strike?

A labor strike at the Homestead Steel Works in Pennsylvania.

When did the Homestead Strike occur?

In 1892.

Which company was involved in the Homestead Strike?

Carnegie Steel Company.

Who led the Homestead Strike?

Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers (AAISW).

What were the causes of the Homestead Strike?

Wage cuts and the implementation of the new steel production process.

What was the outcome of the Homestead Strike?

The strike failed and resulted in a defeat for the workers' union.

What was the significance of the Homestead Strike?

It marked a major conflict between labor and management during the industrialization period.

Where did the Homestead Strike take place?

Homestead, Pennsylvania.

What tactics were used by the workers during the Homestead Strike?

Workers built barricades and armed themselves to defend against the company's private security.

Who was the owner of the Homestead Steel Works during the strike?

Andrew Carnegie.

Why did the Homestead Strike turn violent?

Due to clashes between striking workers and company-hired Pinkerton agents.

What role did the Pinkerton agents play in the Homestead Strike?

They were hired by the company to break the strike and protect strikebreakers.

What did the Homestead Strike demonstrate about labor unions?

The power imbalance between workers and their employers.

What was the initial reaction of the public towards the Homestead Strike?

Mixed opinions, with some supporting the workers and others siding with the company.

What were the long-term effects of the Homestead Strike?

It weakened the labor movement and led to the decline of unions in the steel industry.


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Where did the Homestead Strike take place?

When did the Homestead Strike occur?

Who led the Homestead Strike?

Which company was involved in the Homestead Strike?

What were the causes of the Homestead Strike?

What was the outcome of the Homestead Strike?

What role did the Pinkerton agents play in the Homestead Strike?

What tactics were used by the workers during the Homestead Strike?

What was the significance of the Homestead Strike?

What did the Homestead Strike demonstrate about labor unions?

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