Flashcards on Human Anatomy and Physiology

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What is the study of the structure and function of the human body called?

Human anatomy and physiology

Which system is responsible for pumping and circulating blood throughout the body?

Cardiovascular system

What is the largest organ in the human body?


Which part of the brain is responsible for controlling voluntary movements and coordination?


Which muscle is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body?


What is the main function of the respiratory system?

To oxygenate the blood and remove carbon dioxide

What are the structures that filter and remove waste from the blood called?


Which part of the digestive system is responsible for absorbing nutrients from digested food?

Small intestine

Which hormone is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels?


What is the main function of the skeletal system?

To provide support, protection, and movement

What is the main function of the nervous system?

To transmit signals and control body functions

Which gland is responsible for producing hormones that regulate metabolism?

Thyroid gland

What is the tiny air sac in the lungs where gas exchange occurs called?


Which part of the eye is responsible for focusing light onto the retina?


What is the process of breaking down food into smaller molecules called?



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Test Your Knowledge

Which system is responsible for pumping and circulating blood throughout the body?

What is the main function of the respiratory system?

Which organ is responsible for filtering and removing waste from the blood?

Which gland is responsible for producing hormones that regulate metabolism?

What is the largest organ in the human body?

Which part of the nervous system is responsible for controlling voluntary movements and coordination?

What is the main function of the skeletal system?

Which muscle is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body?

What is the process of breaking down food into smaller molecules called?

Which part of the eye is responsible for focusing light onto the retina?

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