Flashcards on Human Rights

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What are human rights?

Human rights are the aggregate of privileges, claim, benefits, entitlements, and moral guarantees that pertain to man because of his humanity.

According to Jose Zalaquett, what are human rights considered as?

According to Jose Zalaquett, human rights are regarded as a system of values or as elements which are inherent to human dignity.

What did Jean Jacques Maritain emphasize in his book 'Rights of Man'?

Jean Jacques Maritain stressed why man has rights and that the human person possesses rights because of the very fact that it is a person, a whole, master of itself, and of its acts.

How did Pope John XXIII connect a human person and his possession of rights?

Pope John XXIII showed the connection between a human person and his possession of rights in his papal encyclical, Pacem in Terris, by stating that every human being is a persona, his nature endowed with intelligence and full will, which entitles him to rights and duties.

How are human rights defined as per the text?

Human rights are defined as “legal and moral entitlements that have evolved as a basis for constructing how state power is used and particularly to limit its use against the rights of citizens.”

According to Jose Diokno, why are human rights important?

Jose Diokno believes that human rights are what make man human and that no cause is more worthy than the cause of human rights.


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What are human rights?

Who regarded human rights as a system of values or as elements inherent to human dignity?

According to Jean Jacques Maritain, why does the human person possess rights?

What is the foundation principle for a well-ordered and productive human society as per Pope John XXIII?

How are human rights defined according to the text?

Why did Jose Diokno state that human rights are important?

Who emphasized the connection between a human person and his possession of rights?

What did Pope John XXIII state about the nature of every human being?

How are human rights described in the text?

What was the cause that Jose Diokno deemed most worthy?

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