Flashcards on Human Trafficking

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What is human trafficking?

Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor.

How many people are estimated to be trafficked worldwide?

It is estimated that there are 20-40 million people trapped in human trafficking globally.

What are some risk factors for being trafficked?

Poverty, lack of education, and social instability are all risk factors for being trafficked.

What are some ways to prevent human trafficking?

Raising awareness, education, protecting vulnerable populations, and supporting survivors are all important ways to prevent human trafficking.

What is the most common form of human trafficking?

The most common form of human trafficking is sexual exploitation.

What is the average age of a person trafficked for sexual exploitation?

The average age is 14 years old.

What are some signs that someone may be a victim of human trafficking?

Some signs include a lack of freedom, working excessively long hours, appearing fearful or anxious, and showing signs of physical abuse.

What is the protocol for law enforcement when they come into contact with someone they suspect is a victim of trafficking?

The protocol is to investigate and offer assistance to the suspected victim.

What is the legal definition of human trafficking?

The use of force, fraud or coercion to exploit another person for profit or labor.

What is the relationship between poverty and human trafficking?

Poverty is one of the primary risk factors that makes people vulnerable to being trafficked.

What are some challenges faced by survivors of human trafficking?

Some challenges include stigma, lack of access to healthcare, social isolation, and financial instability.

How does human trafficking affect the economy?

Human trafficking can lead to reduced labor standards, increased crime, and decreased economic growth.

What is the difference between human smuggling and human trafficking?

Human smuggling is the illegal transportation of people across borders. Human trafficking involves the exploitation of people for labor or sex.

How can individuals help combat human trafficking?

Individuals can educate themselves and others, support anti-trafficking organizations, and advocate for legislative change.

What is the most common destination for human trafficking victims?

The most common destination is the United States.

What is human trafficking?

Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings for the purposes of commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor.

How many people are estimated to be trafficked worldwide?

It is estimated that there are 20-40 million people trapped in human trafficking globally.

What are some risk factors for being trafficked?

Poverty, lack of education, and social instability are all risk factors for being trafficked.

What are some ways to prevent human trafficking?

Raising awareness, education, protecting vulnerable populations, and supporting survivors are all important ways to prevent human trafficking.

What is the most common form of human trafficking?

The most common form of human trafficking is sexual exploitation.

What is the average age of a person trafficked for sexual exploitation?

The average age is 14 years old.

What are some signs that someone may be a victim of human trafficking?

Some signs include a lack of freedom, working excessively long hours, appearing fearful or anxious, and showing signs of physical abuse.

What is the protocol for law enforcement when they come into contact with someone they suspect is a victim of trafficking?

The protocol is to investigate and offer assistance to the suspected victim.

What is the legal definition of human trafficking?

The use of force, fraud or coercion to exploit another person for profit or labor.

What is the relationship between poverty and human trafficking?

Poverty is one of the primary risk factors that makes people vulnerable to being trafficked.

What are some challenges faced by survivors of human trafficking?

Some challenges include stigma, lack of access to healthcare, social isolation, and financial instability.

How does human trafficking affect the economy?

Human trafficking can lead to reduced labor standards, increased crime, and decreased economic growth.

What is the difference between human smuggling and human trafficking?

Human smuggling is the illegal transportation of people across borders. Human trafficking involves the exploitation of people for labor or sex.

How can individuals help combat human trafficking?

Individuals can educate themselves and others, support anti-trafficking organizations, and advocate for legislative change.

What is the most common destination for human trafficking victims?

The most common destination is the United States.


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