Flashcards on Immune System and Pathogens

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What is the primary function of the immune system?

To protect the body from harmful pathogens.

How does the immune system recognize pathogens?

Through the recognition of specific molecules on the surface of pathogens.

What are antibodies?

Proteins produced by the immune system to neutralize pathogens.

What is the role of T cells in the immune system?

T cells help coordinate the immune response and destroy infected cells.

What is immunity?

The ability of the immune system to resist and fight off pathogens.

What is the difference between innate and adaptive immunity?

Innate immunity is present from birth and provides immediate, non-specific defense, while adaptive immunity is acquired and specific to particular pathogens.

What is a pathogen?

An organism or agent that can cause disease.

What are the four types of pathogens?

Bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.

How do bacteria cause infection?

Bacteria can invade tissues and release toxins that damage cells.

What is a virus?

A microscopic infectious agent that replicates inside the cells of a living host.

How do fungi cause disease?

Fungi can infect the skin, nails, respiratory tract, and other areas of the body.

What is a parasite?

An organism that lives on or in a host organism and relies on it for nourishment and survival.

What is inflammation and why is it important for the immune response?

Inflammation is a natural response that helps recruit immune cells to the site of infection or injury.

What is vaccination?

The process of introducing a weakened or inactive form of a pathogen into the body to stimulate an immune response and provide immunity against future infections.

What is the difference between active and passive immunity?

Active immunity is acquired through exposure to a pathogen or vaccination, while passive immunity is temporary and acquired through the transfer of antibodies from another source.


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Test Your Knowledge

How does the immune system recognize pathogens?

What are antibodies?

What is the role of T cells in the immune system?

What is immunity?

What is a pathogen?

How do bacteria cause infection?

What is a virus?

How do fungi cause disease?

What is inflammation and why is it important for the immune response?

What is vaccination?

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