Flashcards on India's Contribution to UN Peacekeeping Missions

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When did India first participate in UN peacekeeping?


What was India's first UN peacekeeping mission?

UN Korean War

How many Indian soldiers have served in UN missions?

Over 200,000

How many Indian fatalities have been reported in UN peacekeeping missions?


Which major UN peacekeeping mission did India contribute to in Africa?

UN Mission in Congo

What role has India played in UNMISS?

Providing military and police forces

What is notable about India's contribution to UNIFIL?

All-female Formed Police Unit

Which UN mission involved India's pivotal role in East Timor?


India has provided the ____ largest number of UN peacekeepers:


Name one of the key elements India contributes to UN peacekeeping missions:

Medical Units

Which UN body manages the peacekeeping operations?

Department of Peace Operations

In which continent has India undertaken the majority of its UN missions?


In what role did India serve during its peacekeeping mission in Sierra Leone?

Providing the largest contingent of troops

India has contributed to UN peacekeeping missions for how many years?


What distinguishes India from most other contributors to UN peacekeeping?

One of the only countries to contribute to all types of missions


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Test Your Knowledge

In which year did India first participate in a UN peacekeeping mission?

India has provided the ______ largest contingent of UN peacekeepers to date.

What was notable about India's female peacekeepers in the UNIFIL mission?

Where did India's first UN peacekeeping deployment take place?

More than 200,000 Indian soldiers have served in UN peacekeeping missions as of which year?

India's role in UNMISS is primarily to provide:

The UN mission in Congo saw India contribute:

What type of unit did India contribute to UN peacekeeping operations that was one of the first of its kind?

Which of the following is the UN body responsible for managing peacekeeping operations?

India's peacekeeping efforts in Sierra Leone involved:

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