Flashcards on India's Look East Policy

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What is the main objective of India's Look East Policy?

To promote economic cooperation, cultural ties, and strategic relationships with countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

When was India's Look East Policy launched?

It was initiated in 1991.

Who started India's Look East Policy?

Former Prime Minister P.V. Narasimha Rao.

What was the upgraded version of India's Look East Policy referred to as in 2014?

Act East Policy.

Which regions are the focus of India's Look East Policy?

Southeast Asia and later, East Asia.

How does India benefit strategically from the Look East Policy?

By building strong relationships with neighbors can act as a counter-balance to the influence of China.

Which sector has been the most significant in Look East Policy collaboration?

Trade and investment have seen the substantial progress.

What is the 'Connectivity' aspect in Look East Policy?

Enhancing transportation infrastructure, facilitating trade routes, and improving digital links.

Which forum was established for regional collaboration influenced by Look East Policy?

Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC).

Name a major project under India's Look East Policy.

India-Myanmar-Thailand Trilateral Highway project.

How does Look East Policy impact regional security?

It fosters military cooperation and addresses shared security concerns in Asia-Pacific.

Name an annual dialogue that promotes the objectives of India's Look East Policy?

The India-ASEAN Summit.

What role does cultural exchange play in the Look East Policy?

It strengthens people-to-people ties and enhances mutual understanding and trust.

How does India's Look East Policy help in education and skill development?

It promotes collaboration in higher education, vocational education, and skill development programs.

In the context of the Look East Policy, what role does energy security play?

Ensuring stable energy supplies through cooperation with resource-rich Eastern nations.


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Test Your Knowledge

When was India's Look East Policy initiated?

What is the main objective of India's Look East Policy?

Who played a pivotal role in starting India's Look East Policy?

What was the main focus area of the Look East Policy's second phase?

What major project was undertaken under India's Look East Policy?

What does 'Act East Policy' refer to?

How does India's Look East Policy address energy security?

What does BIMSTEC stand for?

What role does connectivity play in India's Look East Policy?

Which annual dialogue is influenced by India's Look East Policy?

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