Flashcards on India's Nuclear Tests

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In which year did India conduct its first nuclear test?


What was the codename for India's first nuclear test?

Smiling Buddha

Which Indian prime minister ordered the first nuclear tests?

Indira Gandhi

In which location was the 1974 Indian nuclear test conducted?

Pokhran, Rajasthan

What was the international reaction to India's 1974 nuclear tests?

Widespread condemnation

How many nuclear tests did India conduct in 1998?


What was the operation name for India's 1998 nuclear tests?

Operation Shakti

Which prime minister was in power during the 1998 nuclear tests?

Atal Bihari Vajpayee

What was the purpose of India's nuclear tests?

To demonstrate nuclear capability and deterrence

Did India's 1998 nuclear tests include a thermonuclear device?


What was the immediate effect on India's international relations post-1998 tests?

Sanctions were imposed by several countries

How did the 1998 tests affect India's nuclear policy?

India declared itself a nuclear weapon state

What is the 'No First Use' nuclear doctrine?

A pledge to not use nuclear weapons unless first attacked by an adversary using nuclear weapons

Which neighbouring country conducted nuclear tests shortly after India in 1998?


What was the global concern regarding the escalation of nuclear capabilities in South Asia?

Risk of nuclear conflict between India and Pakistan


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Test Your Knowledge

Which year marked India's entrance into the nuclear club?

What is the name given to India's 1974 nuclear test?

Who was India's Prime Minister during the 1998 nuclear tests?

How did the international community predominantly react to India's 1974 nuclear tests?

What was the impact of India's 1998 nuclear tests on its global relations?

Which operation name is associated with India's 1998 series of nuclear tests?

What is the doctrine of 'No First Use' as adopted by India?

What was a significant consequence of both India and its neighbor conducting nuclear tests in 1998?

Post the 1998 nuclear tests, what did India formally declare itself?

Which Indian leader was responsible for ordering the first nuclear tests in 1974?

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