Flashcards on India's Participation in the United Nations

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When did India join the United Nations?


What is India's role in the UN peacekeeping missions?

India is one of the largest contributors of troops to UN peacekeeping missions.

Has India ever been a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council?

Yes, India has been elected to the Council several times.

What is the name of India's Permanent Representative to the UN as of the latest update?

Answers may vary as per the latest update.

How does India participate in the economic and social development programs of the UN?

Through contributions to various UN agencies and participating in discussions.

When was India elected to the UN Human Rights Council?

India has been elected to the UNHRC for multiple terms; latest term details will vary.

India has contributed to UN peacekeeping missions since which year?


In which areas has India collaborated with the UN?

Peacekeeping, development, environment, human rights, counter-terrorism.

What is the significance of India's G4 partnership for the UN?

The G4 aims at supporting each other’s bids for permanent seats on the United Nations Security Council.

Name one of the principal organs of the UN where India has actively participated.

General Assembly, Security Council, and other UN agencies.

Has India endorsed the TPNW at the UN?

No, India has not endorsed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

In which UN mission did India deploy an all-women police unit?

Liberia (UNMIL)

What stance does India take on UN Security Council reforms?

India supports comprehensive reform of the Security Council.

Who was the first woman to be appointed as the President of the United Nations General Assembly?

Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit from India in 1953.

What is India's contribution to the UN’s regular budget?

India's contribution varies and should be checked based on the current year's assessment.


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Test Your Knowledge

In which year did India first join the United Nations?

What role does India play in UN peacekeeping?

Which of the following councils has India been elected to?

India collaborates with the UN primarily in which areas?

What is India's G4 partnership aiming for in the UN context?

Where did India deploy its all-women police unit for a UN mission?

Who was the first Indian woman to hold the presidency of the UN General Assembly?

Has India endorsed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW)?

What is India's position on UN Security Council reforms?

India's contribution to UN peacekeeping missions started in which year?

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