Flashcards on Indian Administration: Administrative Tribunals

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What are administrative tribunals?

Specialized judicial bodies that handle disputes related to administrative matters.

What is the purpose of administrative tribunals?

To provide speedy and inexpensive justice in administrative matters.

Who appoints the members of administrative tribunals?

The President of India.

How are administrative tribunals different from regular courts?

Administrative tribunals specialize in a specific area of law and have simplified procedures.

Name one administrative tribunal in India.

Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT)

What types of cases are handled by administrative tribunals?

Cases related to recruitment, service matters, promotions, and disciplinary actions of government employees.

What is the appellate authority for administrative tribunals?

High Court

What is the term of office for members of administrative tribunals?

5 years or until the age of 65, whichever is earlier.

What is the significance of administrative tribunals in India?

They ensure quick and fair resolution of administrative disputes without burdening regular courts.

What is the role of administrative tribunals in promoting administrative transparency?

By resolving disputes related to administrative actions, they promote accountability and transparency in governance.

How can the decisions of administrative tribunals be challenged?

By filing a writ petition in the High Court.

What is the qualification required to be a member of an administrative tribunal?

A person should have held a judicial office for 10 years or practiced law for 10 years.

What is the main objective of constituting administrative tribunals in India?

To expedite the disposal of administrative cases and reduce the burden on regular courts.

What is the role of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) in administrative tribunals?

The UPSC conducts examinations for the recruitment of members of administrative tribunals.

What are the powers of administrative tribunals?

They have the power to summon and enforce the attendance of witnesses and compel the production of documents.


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Test Your Knowledge

What are administrative tribunals?

Who appoints the members of administrative tribunals?

What types of cases are handled by administrative tribunals?

What is the term of office for members of administrative tribunals?

What is the significance of administrative tribunals in India?

What is the qualification required to be a member of an administrative tribunal?

What is the main objective of constituting administrative tribunals in India?

What is the role of the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) in administrative tribunals?

What are the powers of administrative tribunals?

How can the decisions of administrative tribunals be challenged?

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