Flashcards on Indian Agriculture: Irrigation and Crop Patterns

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What is irrigation?

Irrigation is the process of supplying water to crops to help them grow.

What are the different methods of irrigation in Indian agriculture?

The different methods of irrigation in Indian agriculture include canals, wells, tube wells, tank irrigation, and sprinkler irrigation.

What is the importance of irrigation in Indian agriculture?

Irrigation is important in Indian agriculture as it helps to supplement rainfall, increase crop yield, and provide water during dry seasons.

What are crop patterns in Indian agriculture?

Crop patterns in Indian agriculture refer to the arrangement and sequence of different crops grown in a particular region or area.

What factors influence crop patterns in Indian agriculture?

Factors that influence crop patterns in Indian agriculture include climate, soil type, water availability, market demand, and government policies.

What are the major crop patterns in Indian agriculture?

The major crop patterns in Indian agriculture are Kharif season crops and Rabi season crops.

What are Kharif season crops?

Kharif season crops are crops that are sown in the rainy season, usually between June and July, and harvested in the autumn season. Examples of Kharif season crops in India include rice, maize, soybean, and cotton.

What are Rabi season crops?

Rabi season crops are crops that are sown in the winter season, usually between October and November, and harvested in the spring season. Examples of Rabi season crops in India include wheat, barley, peas, and mustard.

What is the importance of crop patterns in Indian agriculture?

Crop patterns are important in Indian agriculture as they help in efficient utilization of resources, crop rotation to maintain soil fertility, and maximize agricultural productivity.

What are the challenges faced by Indian agriculture in terms of irrigation and crop patterns?

Challenges faced by Indian agriculture in terms of irrigation and crop patterns include lack of proper water management, uneven distribution of irrigation facilities, dependence on monsoons, and unsustainable cropping practices.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the purpose of irrigation in Indian agriculture?

Which of the following is a method of irrigation in Indian agriculture?

What are the two major crop patterns in Indian agriculture?

When are Kharif season crops sown in India?

Which of the following factors influence crop patterns in Indian agriculture?

What is the purpose of crop rotation in Indian agriculture?

Which of the following is a challenge faced by Indian agriculture in terms of irrigation and crop patterns?

Which season follows the Rabi season in Indian agriculture?

What is the significance of efficient water management in Indian agriculture?

What is one unsustainable cropping practice in Indian agriculture?

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