Flashcards on Indian Economy: Foreign Trade and Balance of Payments

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What is foreign trade?

Foreign trade refers to the exchange of goods and services between countries.

What are the two types of foreign trade?

The two types of foreign trade are import trade and export trade.

What is the balance of payments?

The balance of payments is a record of all economic transactions between the residents of a country and the rest of the world.

What are the three components of the balance of payments?

The three components of the balance of payments are current account, capital account, and financial account.

What is the current account?

The current account records the transactions of goods, services, and unilateral transfers.

What is the capital account?

The capital account records the transactions of capital assets like buildings, land, and machinery.

What is the financial account?

The financial account records the transactions in financial assets like stocks, bonds, and loans.

What is a trade deficit?

A trade deficit occurs when a country imports more goods and services than it exports.

What is a trade surplus?

A trade surplus occurs when a country exports more goods and services than it imports.

What are the benefits of foreign trade for a country?

Foreign trade can lead to economic growth, increased competition, and access to new markets and resources.

What is the relationship between foreign trade and balance of payments?

Foreign trade affects the balance of payments by influencing the current account and capital account balances.

What factors can affect the balance of payments?

Factors like exchange rates, trade policies, and economic conditions can affect the balance of payments.

How does a country improve its balance of payments?

A country can improve its balance of payments by promoting exports, reducing imports, and attracting foreign investment.

What is the role of government in foreign trade and balance of payments?

The government plays a crucial role in formulating trade policies, regulating imports and exports, and managing the balance of payments.

What are some challenges faced by the Indian economy in foreign trade and balance of payments?

Challenges include maintaining a favorable balance of trade, managing currency fluctuations, and competing in the global market.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the balance of payments?

What are the two types of foreign trade?

What is the current account?

What is a trade deficit?

What are the benefits of foreign trade for a country?

What is the role of government in foreign trade and balance of payments?

What factors can affect the balance of payments?

How does a country improve its balance of payments?

What is the relationship between foreign trade and balance of payments?

What are some challenges faced by the Indian economy in foreign trade and balance of payments?

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