Flashcards on Indian History: Sultanate Period

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Who was the first ruler of the Delhi Sultanate?

Qutub-ud-din Aibak

Which dynasty founded the Delhi Sultanate?

Mamluk Dynasty

Who built the Qutub Minar?

Qutub-ud-din Aibak

Which Sultan introduced the Iqta system?


Who is known as the 'Father' of the Delhi Sultanate?


Which Sultan constructed the Alai Darwaza?

Alauddin Khalji

Who founded the Tughlaq dynasty?

Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq

Which Sultan introduced the 'Token' currency?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq

Who was the last ruler of the Delhi Sultanate?

Ibrahim Lodi

Who built the famous Red Fort in Delhi?

Shah Jahan

Which Sultan introduced the practice of 'paibos'?

Firuz Shah Tughlaq

Who was the first Sultan of the Khilji dynasty?

Jalaluddin Khilji

Which Sultan established the city of Fatehpur Sikri?


Who was the first woman ruler of the Delhi Sultanate?

Razia Sultana

Which Sultan introduced the 'Sher Shahi' architecture?

Sher Shah Suri


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Who was the first ruler of the Delhi Sultanate?

Who built the Qutub Minar?

Which Sultan established the city of Fatehpur Sikri?

Who was the first woman ruler of the Delhi Sultanate?

Who is known as the 'Father' of the Delhi Sultanate?

Which Sultan introduced the Iqta system?

Who built the famous Red Fort in Delhi?

Which Sultan introduced the 'Token' currency?

Who was the last ruler of the Delhi Sultanate?

Which Sultan introduced the 'Sher Shahi' architecture?

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