Flashcards on Indian History: Sultanate Period

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Who was the founder of the Delhi Sultanate?

Qutb-ud-din Aibak

Which dynasty ruled the Delhi Sultanate after the Mamluks?

The Khalji Dynasty

Who was the most famous ruler of the Tughlaq Dynasty?

Muhammad bin Tughlaq

Which dynasty succeeded the Tughlaqs as rulers of the Delhi Sultanate?

The Sayyid Dynasty

Who built the famous Qutub Minar in Delhi?

Qutb-ud-din Aibak

Which Sultanate ruler introduced the currency of tanka and jital?


Who was the first woman ruler of the Delhi Sultanate?

Razia Sultana

Which dynasty ruled the Delhi Sultanate after the Sayyids?

The Lodi Dynasty

Who defeated the last Sultan of the Delhi Sultanate and established the Mughal Empire?


Which dynasty was the first to introduce a centralized administration system?

The Khalji Dynasty

Who was the last ruler of the Khalji Dynasty in the Delhi Sultanate?

Alauddin Khalji

Which ruler of the Delhi Sultanate is known for his construction of the Hauz Khas complex?

Firuz Shah Tughlaq

Which Sultanate ruler introduced the policy of 'blood and iron' to expand his empire?

Alauddin Khalji

Who was the last ruler of the Delhi Sultanate?

Ibrahim Lodi

Which Sultanate ruler built the city of Siri in Delhi?

Alauddin Khalji


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Who was the founder of the Delhi Sultanate?

Which dynasty ruled the Delhi Sultanate after the Mamluks?

Who was the most famous ruler of the Tughlaq Dynasty?

Who built the famous Qutub Minar in Delhi?

Who was the first woman ruler of the Delhi Sultanate?

Which ruler of the Delhi Sultanate is known for his construction of the Hauz Khas complex?

Who was the last ruler of the Delhi Sultanate?

Which Sultanate ruler introduced the policy of 'blood and iron' to expand his empire?

Which dynasty ruled the Delhi Sultanate after the Sayyids?

Which Sultanate ruler introduced the currency of tanka and jital?

Who defeated the last Sultan of the Delhi Sultanate and established the Mughal Empire?

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