Flashcards on Indian Judiciary: Judicial Activism and Judicial Review

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What is judicial activism?

When the judiciary takes an active role in interpreting and shaping laws.

What is judicial review?

The power of the judiciary to review laws and government actions for their constitutionality.

What is the purpose of judicial activism?

To ensure justice and protect citizens' rights.

What is the significance of judicial review?

It acts as a check on the legislative and executive branches of government to prevent any violation of the Constitution.

Who has the power of judicial review in India?

The Supreme Court of India.

Give an example of judicial activism in India.

The Supreme Court's intervention in environmental matters to protect the environment.

What are the limits of judicial activism?

The judiciary cannot encroach upon the domain of the other branches of government.

What is the role of the judiciary in judicial review?

To examine laws and government actions to ensure they are consistent with the Constitution.

In what ways can judicial activism be beneficial?

It can address social injustices, promote rule of law, and protect fundamental rights.

How does judicial review influence the functioning of the government?

It keeps the government in check and ensures accountability.

What are the potential drawbacks of judicial activism?

It may lead to judicial overreach and interfere with the legislative and executive functions.

What is the difference between judicial activism and judicial review?

Judicial activism refers to the behavior and approach of the judiciary, while judicial review is the power exercised by the judiciary.

Can the judiciary create laws through judicial activism?

No, the judiciary cannot create laws through judicial activism. Their role is to interpret and apply existing laws.

What is the role of public interest litigation (PIL) in judicial activism?

PIL allows citizens to bring matters of public importance to the court, contributing to judicial activism.

Why is an independent judiciary important for judicial activism?

An independent judiciary ensures that the judiciary can act without interference and uphold the rule of law.


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What is the term for the power of the judiciary to review laws for their constitutionality?

Which branch of the government has the power of judicial review?

What is the main purpose of judicial activism?

Which court has the power of judicial review in India?

What is the term for the intervention of the judiciary in addressing environmental issues?

What is a potential drawback of judicial activism?

Which concept refers to citizens bringing matters of public importance to the court?

What is the role of the judiciary in judicial review?

What is the difference between judicial activism and judicial review?

Why is an independent judiciary important for judicial activism?

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