Flashcards on Indian Society: Caste System and Social Movements

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What is the caste system?

The caste system is a social hierarchy in India that categorizes people based on inherited social status.

What are the four main castes in the caste system?

The four main castes in the caste system are Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras.

What is the role of the Brahmins in the caste system?

The Brahmins are the highest caste and traditionally hold religious and intellectual occupations.

What is the role of the Kshatriyas in the caste system?

The Kshatriyas are the second-highest caste and traditionally hold political and warrior occupations.

What is the role of the Vaishyas in the caste system?

The Vaishyas are the third-highest caste and traditionally hold occupations related to business and trade.

What is the role of the Shudras in the caste system?

The Shudras are the lowest caste and traditionally work as laborers and servants.

What are social movements?

Social movements are collective efforts by a group of people seeking to bring about social or political change.

What was the Dalit Panther Movement?

The Dalit Panther Movement was a social movement founded in the 1970s that advocated for the rights and empowerment of Dalits.

What was the Chipko Movement?

The Chipko Movement was a grassroots environmental movement that originated in Uttarakhand, India, in the 1970s.

What was the Narmada Bachao Andolan?

The Narmada Bachao Andolan was a social movement protesting against the construction of large dams on the Narmada River.

What was the Women's Rights Movement in India?

The Women's Rights Movement in India aimed to address gender inequalities, promote women's empowerment, and fight for women's rights.

What was the Green Revolution in India?

The Green Revolution in India was an agricultural development program that aimed to increase food production through the use of modern farming techniques.

What is the significance of the caste system in Indian society?

The caste system has a significant impact on social relationships, occupations, and the distribution of resources in Indian society.

How have social movements in India contributed to social change?

Social movements in India have played a crucial role in challenging social inequalities, advocating for the rights of marginalized groups, and bringing about policy reforms.

What are some contemporary social movements in India?

Some contemporary social movements in India include the LGBTQ rights movement, the anti-corruption movement, and the environmental conservation movement.


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Test Your Knowledge

Which of the following is NOT one of the four main castes in the caste system?

What was the Dalit Panther Movement?

What was the Green Revolution in India?

What is the role of the Shudras in the caste system?

What are social movements?

Which of the following was a social movement protesting against the construction of large dams on the Narmada River?

What is the significance of the caste system in Indian society?

What was the Women's Rights Movement in India focused on?

Which of the following is NOT an example of a contemporary social movement in India?

How have social movements in India contributed to social change?

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