Flashcards on Indian Society: Population Issues and Policies

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What is the current population of India?

Approximately 1.3 billion

What are the major causes of overpopulation in India?

High birth rate, decline in death rate, lack of education, poverty

What are the negative effects of overpopulation in India?

Strain on resources, unemployment, poverty, increased crime rates

What is the National Population Policy of India?

A policy aimed at stabilizing the population growth rate

What are the measures taken by the government to control population growth?

Promotion of family planning, awareness programs, incentives for small families

What is the replacement level fertility rate?

The average number of children a couple needs to have to replace themselves

What is the importance of population control in India?

Sustainable development, improved standard of living, balanced resource utilization

What is the role of education in population control?

Education empowers individuals to make informed decisions about family planning

What is the age structure of the Indian population?

A large proportion of young people, indicating a potential demographic dividend

What are the challenges faced by India due to population growth?

Pressure on infrastructure, healthcare, environment, and social services

What is the concept of family planning?

The conscious decision of couples to control the number and spacing of children

What is the role of women empowerment in population control?

Empowered women tend to have fewer children and make conscious reproductive choices

What is the impact of population growth on the environment?

Increased pollution, deforestation, and depletion of natural resources

What is the relationship between population growth and economic development?

Sustainable population growth can contribute to economic development

What are the factors influencing population distribution in India?

Availability of resources, economic opportunities, and geographic factors


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the average number of children a couple needs to have to replace themselves?

Which of the following is a major cause of overpopulation in India?

What is the purpose of the National Population Policy of India?

Which of the following is a measure taken by the government to control population growth?

What is the role of education in population control?

What is the age structure of the Indian population?

What are the challenges faced by India due to population growth?

What is the impact of population growth on the environment?

What is the relationship between population growth and economic development?

What are the factors influencing population distribution in India?

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