Flashcards on Indian Society: Social Issues and Development

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What is the literacy rate in India?

The literacy rate in India is approximately 74.04%.

What is the gender gap in literacy in India?

The gender gap in literacy in India is 16.7%.

What is the major cause of child labor in India?

The major cause of child labor in India is poverty.

What is the percentage of people living below the poverty line in India?

Approximately 21.9% of people in India live below the poverty line.

What is the current population of India?

The current population of India is over 1.3 billion.

What is the literacy rate in rural areas of India?

The literacy rate in rural areas of India is lower than in urban areas.

What are the major causes of unemployment in India?

The major causes of unemployment in India are lack of skills and job opportunities.

What is the child sex ratio in India?

The child sex ratio in India is 919 females per 1000 males.

What are some social issues faced by marginalized communities in India?

Some social issues faced by marginalized communities in India include caste discrimination and lack of access to education and healthcare.

What is the role of NGOs in social development in India?

NGOs play a crucial role in social development in India by addressing various social issues and providing support to marginalized communities.

What is the impact of globalization on Indian society?

Globalization has both positive and negative impacts on Indian society, including economic growth and cultural homogenization.

What is the prevalence of child marriage in India?

Approximately 27% of girls in India are married before the age of 18.

What is the importance of education in social development?

Education plays a crucial role in social development by empowering individuals, reducing poverty, and promoting equality.

What are the implications of population growth on Indian society?

Population growth in India poses challenges related to resources, infrastructure, and social services.

What are some government initiatives to address social issues in India?

Some government initiatives to address social issues in India include Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and Beti Bachao Beti Padhao.

What is the status of women in Indian society?

Women in Indian society face various challenges related to gender inequality, discrimination, and violence.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the literacy rate in India?

What is the major cause of child labor in India?

What is the child sex ratio in India?

What is the importance of education in social development?

What is the current population of India?

What is the prevalence of child marriage in India?

What is the impact of globalization on Indian society?

What is the literacy rate in rural areas of India?

What are the major causes of unemployment in India?

What are the implications of population growth on Indian society?

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