Flashcards on Inflationary Cosmology

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What is Inflationary Cosmology?

Inflationary cosmology is a theory in physical cosmology that explains the rapid expansion of space in the early universe.

Who proposed the concept of Inflationary Cosmology?

Alan Guth proposed the concept of Inflationary Cosmology in 1980.

What is the main purpose of Inflationary Cosmology?

The main purpose of Inflationary Cosmology is to solve the problems of the standard Big Bang theory and provide an explanation for the observed uniformity of the universe.

What is the cosmic microwave background radiation?

The cosmic microwave background radiation is the afterglow of the Big Bang and provides evidence for the inflationary model of the universe.

What is the inflationary epoch?

The inflationary epoch is a period of extremely rapid expansion in the early universe, driven by a hypothetical scalar field called the inflaton.

What are the three main predictions of Inflationary Cosmology?

1. Flatness of the universe, 2. Large-scale homogeneity and isotropy, 3. Primordial density perturbations

What is the flatness problem in cosmology?

The flatness problem is the question of why the universe appears to be flat on large scales, despite the fact that the curvature of space is expected to change with time.

What is the horizon problem in cosmology?

The horizon problem is the question of why regions of the universe that are separated by vast distances have nearly the same temperature and other physical properties.

What is the graceful exit problem in the inflationary model?

The graceful exit problem is the question of how inflation ends and transitions into the hot Big Bang phase without producing excessive relic particles or an overly inhomogeneous universe.

What is the eternal inflation theory?

The eternal inflation theory suggests that inflation is an ongoing process, creating an infinite number of universes within a larger multiverse.


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Who proposed the concept of Inflationary Cosmology?

What is the main purpose of Inflationary Cosmology?

What is the cosmic microwave background radiation?

What is the flatness problem in cosmology?

What are the three main predictions of Inflationary Cosmology?

What is the horizon problem in cosmology?

What is the graceful exit problem in the inflationary model?

What is the eternal inflation theory?

What is the inflationary epoch?

What is the cosmic microwave background radiation?

What is the main purpose of Inflationary Cosmology?

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