Flashcards on Internal Security: Cyber Threats and Terrorism

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What is cyber security?

Cyber security refers to the practice of protecting computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from digital attacks, theft, and damage.

What are the common types of cyber threats?

Common types of cyber threats include malware, phishing, ransomware, hacking, and denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.

What is terrorism?

Terrorism refers to the use of violence, intimidation, or threats to create fear and intimidate people for political, ideological, or religious purposes.

What are the goals of terrorists?

The goals of terrorists vary, but they often aim to achieve political or ideological goals, spread fear and chaos, disrupt societies, and undermine governments.

What is cyberterrorism?

Cyberterrorism involves the use of computer-based attacks by terrorist groups and individuals to cause widespread disruption, destruction, or fear.

What is social engineering?

Social engineering refers to the manipulation of individuals to obtain confidential information or gain unauthorized access to systems, often through deception and psychological manipulation.

What is a data breach?

A data breach occurs when unauthorized individuals gain access to sensitive or confidential information, potentially leading to its theft, exposure, or misuse.

What is encryption?

Encryption is the process of converting data into a code or cipher to prevent unauthorized access, ensuring its confidentiality and security.

What is malware?

Malware is any software intentionally designed to cause damage, disrupt operations, or gain unauthorized access to systems or data.

What is the role of cybersecurity professionals?

Cybersecurity professionals are responsible for identifying vulnerabilities, implementing security measures, monitoring systems for potential threats, and responding to incidents to protect against cyberattacks.

What is a phishing attack?

A phishing attack is a type of cyber attack where the attacker poses as a trustworthy entity to trick individuals into providing sensitive information, such as passwords or financial details.

What is ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a victim's files or locks their device, demanding a ransom payment in exchange for restoring access.

What is a denial-of-service (DoS) attack?

A denial-of-service (DoS) attack is an attack that disrupts or temporarily disables a computer network or service by overwhelming it with a flood of internet traffic.

What is cybersecurity awareness?

Cybersecurity awareness refers to the knowledge and understanding of potential cyber threats and best practices to protect against them, promoting a safer digital environment.

What is cyber resilience?

Cyber resilience refers to an organization's ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from cyber attacks, minimizing the impact on systems, operations, and data.

What is a firewall?

A firewall is a network security device that monitors and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic based on predetermined security rules, helping to protect against unauthorized access and cyber threats.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the term for the manipulation of individuals to obtain confidential information or gain unauthorized access to systems?

Which of the following is a common type of cyber threat?

What is the term for any software intentionally designed to cause damage, disrupt operations, or gain unauthorized access to systems or data?

What is the term for a type of cyber attack where the attacker poses as a trustworthy entity to trick individuals into providing sensitive information?

What is the term for the practice of protecting computers, servers, mobile devices, networks, and data from digital attacks, theft, and damage?

What is the term for a type of malware that encrypts a victim's files or locks their device, demanding a ransom payment in exchange for restoring access?

What is the term for a type of attack that disrupts or temporarily disables a computer network or service by overwhelming it with a flood of internet traffic?

What is the term for the process of converting data into a code or cipher to prevent unauthorized access?

What is the term for an organization's ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from cyber attacks, minimizing the impact?

What is the term for a network security device that monitors and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic?

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