Flashcards on International Relations: India's Foreign Policy

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What is foreign policy?

Foreign policy refers to a set of principles and guidelines that a country follows while dealing with other countries.

Which countries are India's immediate neighbors?

India's immediate neighbors are Bangladesh, Bhutan, Myanmar, China, Nepal, and Pakistan.

What is the main objective of India's foreign policy?

The main objective of India's foreign policy is to ensure national security and promote economic development.

Which international organization is India a member of?

India is a member of the United Nations (UN) and its specialized agencies.

What is India's stance on nuclear disarmament?

India supports global nuclear disarmament and calls for nuclear non-proliferation.

Name one major ally of India in international relations.

Russia is a major ally of India in international relations.

What is the 'Act East' policy of India?

The 'Act East' policy aims to enhance India's engagement with Southeast Asian countries and strengthen regional cooperation.

What is the 'Neighborhood First' policy of India?

The 'Neighborhood First' policy focuses on building stronger ties with India's neighboring countries for shared economic growth and security.

Which country is India's largest trading partner?

The United States is India's largest trading partner.

What is the significance of India's 'Look East' policy?

The 'Look East' policy represents India's efforts to cultivate closer ties with East Asian countries for economic and strategic reasons.

What is India's position on climate change?

India is committed to addressing climate change and aims to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions while pursuing sustainable development.

Which country is India's largest recipient of foreign aid?

Nepal is India's largest recipient of foreign aid.

What is the 'Look West' policy of India?

The 'Look West' policy focuses on strengthening relations with countries in the Middle East and West Asia.

What is India's policy on terrorism?

India condemns terrorism in all its forms and advocates for international cooperation to combat this global menace.

Which country is India's largest arms supplier?

Russia is India's largest arms supplier.


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What is the main objective of India's foreign policy?

Which international organization is India a member of?

What is the 'Neighborhood First' policy of India?

Which country is India's largest trading partner?

What is the 'Look East' policy of India?

What is India's position on climate change?

Which country is India's largest recipient of foreign aid?

What is the 'Look West' policy of India?

What is India's policy on terrorism?

Which country is India's largest arms supplier?

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