Flashcards on International Relations: India's Relations with Major Powers

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Which country is India's largest trading partner?


Which country is India's closest ally in the Middle East?


Which major power is India's biggest source of foreign direct investment?

United States

Which country is India's strategic partner in the Indian Ocean region?


Which country has been India's traditional ally and provides significant military support?


Which country has territorial disputes with India in the Himalayas?


Which country has been a historic rival of India due to conflicts over territorial disputes and nuclear weapons?


Which country is India's maritime neighbor and a major player in the Indian Ocean region?

Sri Lanka

Which major power is a key partner of India in the fight against terrorism?

United States

Which country is India's largest arms supplier?


Which country is India's key partner in the BRICS association?


Which country is India's neighbor and has historical and cultural ties with India?


Which country is India's largest investor in terms of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)?


Which country is India's neighboring island nation and a key partner in Indian Ocean security?


Which country is India's important trading and strategic partner in Southeast Asia?



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Test Your Knowledge

Which country is India's largest trading partner?

Which country is India's closest ally in the Middle East?

Which major power is India's biggest source of foreign direct investment?

Which country has been India's strategic partner in the Indian Ocean region?

Which country is India's largest arms supplier?

Which country has territorial disputes with India in the Himalayas?

Which major power is a key partner of India in the fight against terrorism?

Which country is India's largest investor in terms of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)?

Which country is India's key partner in the BRICS association?

Which country is India's neighboring island nation and a key partner in Indian Ocean security?

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