Flashcards on Introduction to Animals

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What is the study of animals called?


What is the largest animal on Earth?

Blue whale

What is the main difference between reptiles and mammals?

Reptiles lay eggs while mammals give birth to live young.

What are animals with a backbone called?


Which animal can walk upside down?


What is the fastest land animal?


What is the smallest mammal?

Bumblebee bat

What is the collective term for a group of fish?


What do we call animals that only eat plants?


What is the largest land animal?

African elephant

What do we call animals that only eat meat?


What is the study of fossils called?


What is the largest bird in the world?


What is the study of bird species called?


What is the smallest bird in the world?

Bee hummingbird


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Test Your Knowledge

Which animal can walk upside down?

What is the study of fossils called?

What is the largest bird in the world?

What is the main difference between reptiles and mammals?

What is the fastest land animal?

What is the smallest bird in the world?

What is the largest land animal?

What is the study of animals called?

What is the collective term for a group of fish?

What do we call animals that only eat plants?

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