Flashcards on Inventions: Light Bulb

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Who is credited with inventing the Light Bulb?

Thomas Edison is credited with inventing the Light Bulb.

When was the Light Bulb invented?

The Light Bulb was invented in the late 1800s.

What material was the filament of the first Light Bulb made of?

The filament of the first Light Bulb was made of carbonized bamboo.

How did the Light Bulb effect society?

The Light Bulb revolutionized society by making it possible to work, study, and live after dark, thus increasing productivity and convenience.

What is the principle behind the functioning of the Light Bulb?

The principle behind the functioning of the Light Bulb is that the filament, when heated by an electric current, emits light and heat.

What improvements have been made to the Light Bulb since its invention?

Improvements include the use of tungsten filaments, the development of fluorescent and LED lighting, and energy-efficient designs.

How did the Light Bulb impact the field of science?

The Light Bulb contributed to the field of science by advancing knowledge of electricity, thermal dynamics, and materials science.

When was the first practical incandescent Light Bulb developed?

The first practical incandescent Light Bulb was developed in 1879.

What is the difference between AC and DC-powered Light Bulbs?

AC-powered Light Bulbs use alternating current, while DC-powered Light Bulbs use direct current.

What were some of the challenges to developing a practical Light Bulb?

Challenges included developing a filament that could withstand high temperatures without melting, creating a vacuum inside the bulb to prevent the filament from burning, and finding a material from which to make the filament.

What were some of the early uses of the Light Bulb?

Early uses of the Light Bulb included street lighting, illuminating factories and homes, and lighting the interiors of trains, ships, and cars.

What is the difference between a Compact Fluorescent Bulb and an Incandescent Bulb?

A Compact Fluorescent Bulb uses 75% less energy and lasts up to 10 times longer than an Incandescent Bulb.

What are some of the environmental impacts of traditional Light Bulbs?

Traditional Light Bulbs contribute to climate change by emitting large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, and they also contribute to pollution by requiring the burning of fossil fuels.

Why is the invention of the Light Bulb considered a turning point in history?

The invention of the Light Bulb is considered a turning point in history because it transformed the way humans live and work, making it possible to extend the day and increase productivity, comfort, and safety.

What role did Nikola Tesla play in the development of the Light Bulb?

Nikola Tesla made significant contributions to the development of AC power, which made it possible to transmit electricity over long distances and power multiple Light Bulbs at once.

Who is credited with inventing the Light Bulb?

Thomas Edison is credited with inventing the Light Bulb.

When was the Light Bulb invented?

The Light Bulb was invented in the late 1800s.

What material was the filament of the first Light Bulb made of?

The filament of the first Light Bulb was made of carbonized bamboo.

How did the Light Bulb effect society?

The Light Bulb revolutionized society by making it possible to work, study, and live after dark, thus increasing productivity and convenience.

What is the principle behind the functioning of the Light Bulb?

The principle behind the functioning of the Light Bulb is that the filament, when heated by an electric current, emits light and heat.

What improvements have been made to the Light Bulb since its invention?

Improvements include the use of tungsten filaments, the development of fluorescent and LED lighting, and energy-efficient designs.

How did the Light Bulb impact the field of science?

The Light Bulb contributed to the field of science by advancing knowledge of electricity, thermal dynamics, and materials science.

When was the first practical incandescent Light Bulb developed?

The first practical incandescent Light Bulb was developed in 1879.

What is the difference between AC and DC-powered Light Bulbs?

AC-powered Light Bulbs use alternating current, while DC-powered Light Bulbs use direct current.

What were some of the challenges to developing a practical Light Bulb?

Challenges included developing a filament that could withstand high temperatures without melting, creating a vacuum inside the bulb to prevent the filament from burning, and finding a material from which to make the filament.

What were some of the early uses of the Light Bulb?

Early uses of the Light Bulb included street lighting, illuminating factories and homes, and lighting the interiors of trains, ships, and cars.

What is the difference between a Compact Fluorescent Bulb and an Incandescent Bulb?

A Compact Fluorescent Bulb uses 75% less energy and lasts up to 10 times longer than an Incandescent Bulb.

What are some of the environmental impacts of traditional Light Bulbs?

Traditional Light Bulbs contribute to climate change by emitting large amounts of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, and they also contribute to pollution by requiring the burning of fossil fuels.

Why is the invention of the Light Bulb considered a turning point in history?

The invention of the Light Bulb is considered a turning point in history because it transformed the way humans live and work, making it possible to extend the day and increase productivity, comfort, and safety.

What role did Nikola Tesla play in the development of the Light Bulb?

Nikola Tesla made significant contributions to the development of AC power, which made it possible to transmit electricity over long distances and power multiple Light Bulbs at once.


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