Flashcards on Iran Hostage Crisis

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When did the Iran Hostage Crisis occur?


Which country was the U.S. Embassy located in where the Iran Hostage Crisis took place?


How many American hostages were taken during the Iran Hostage Crisis?


Who was the leader of Iran during the Iran Hostage Crisis?

Ayatollah Khomeini

Which U.S. President was in office when the Iran Hostage Crisis occurred?

Jimmy Carter

What were the hostages demanding?

The Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, to be returned to Iran for trial

Which military operation was launched by the U.S. to rescue the hostages?

Operation Eagle Claw

How long did the Iran Hostage Crisis last?

444 days

What was the impact of the Iran Hostage Crisis on U.S.-Iran relations?

It severely strained diplomatic relations between the two countries

Who was the U.S. President when the hostages were finally released?

Ronald Reagan

Why did the Iran Hostage Crisis begin?

The U.S. had granted asylum to the Shah of Iran, which angered Iranian revolutionaries

Who led the Islamic Revolution in Iran?

Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

What was the reaction of the American public to the Iran Hostage Crisis?

There was a wave of patriotism and support for the hostages

What was the failed rescue attempt called?

Operation Eagle Claw

How were the hostages finally released?

They were released on the day of Ronald Reagan's presidential inauguration


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Test Your Knowledge

When did the Iran Hostage Crisis occur?

How many hostages were taken during the Iran Hostage Crisis?

Who was the leader of Iran during the Iran Hostage Crisis?

Which U.S. President was in office when the Iran Hostage Crisis occurred?

What were the hostages demanding during the Iran Hostage Crisis?

Which military operation was launched by the U.S. to rescue the hostages?

How long did the Iran Hostage Crisis last?

What was the impact of the Iran Hostage Crisis on U.S.-Iran relations?

Who was the U.S. President when the hostages were finally released?

Why did the Iran Hostage Crisis begin?

Who led the Islamic Revolution in Iran?

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