Flashcards on Italian Renaissance: Art and Culture

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Who is considered the father of the Italian Renaissance?

Leonardo da Vinci

What is the most famous artwork of the Italian Renaissance?

Mona Lisa

Which city in Italy was the center of the Italian Renaissance?


Who painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling in Vatican City?


What is the name of the famous sculpture created by Michelangelo?


Who wrote the famous literary work 'The Divine Comedy' during the Italian Renaissance?

Dante Alighieri

Which architect designed the dome of the Florence Cathedral?

Filippo Brunelleschi

Who is known for the creation of the painting 'The Last Supper'?

Leonardo da Vinci

Which art technique was popularized during the Italian Renaissance?


Who painted the 'Birth of Venus' during the Italian Renaissance?

Sandro Botticelli

Who was the ruler of Florence during the Italian Renaissance and known as 'The Magnificent'?

Lorenzo de' Medici

Which art form was revived and popularized during the Italian Renaissance?

Classical sculpture

Who painted the 'School of Athens' in the Vatican during the Italian Renaissance?


What was the main focus of art during the Italian Renaissance?


Who is known for the invention of the printing press during the Italian Renaissance?

Johannes Gutenberg


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Test Your Knowledge

Who is considered the father of the Italian Renaissance?

What is the most famous artwork of the Italian Renaissance?

Who painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling in Vatican City?

Who wrote the famous literary work 'The Divine Comedy' during the Italian Renaissance?

Who is known for the creation of the painting 'The Last Supper'?

Which art technique was popularized during the Italian Renaissance?

Which art form was revived and popularized during the Italian Renaissance?

What was the main focus of art during the Italian Renaissance?

Who is known for the invention of the printing press during the Italian Renaissance?

Which city in Italy was the center of the Italian Renaissance?

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