Flashcards on J.P. Morgan and Finance Capitalism

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Who was J.P. Morgan?

J.P. Morgan was an American banker and financier.

What is finance capitalism?

Finance capitalism refers to an economic system characterized by the dominance of financial institutions, such as banks and investment firms.

When did J.P. Morgan live?

J.P. Morgan lived from April 17, 1837, to March 31, 1913.

What is the significance of J.P. Morgan in relation to finance capitalism?

J.P. Morgan played a crucial role in the development of finance capitalism in the United States.

What were some of J.P. Morgan's major contributions to finance capitalism?

J.P. Morgan facilitated mergers and acquisitions, provided financial support to industries, and helped stabilize the financial system during economic crises.

How did finance capitalism impact the economy?

Finance capitalism led to the growth of financial markets, increased access to capital, and the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few influential individuals and institutions.

What were some criticisms of finance capitalism during J.P. Morgan's time?

Critics argued that finance capitalism prioritized profit over social welfare, contributed to income inequality, and enabled speculative practices that could lead to economic instability.

How did J.P. Morgan's actions impact the development of modern banking and finance?

J.P. Morgan's actions shaped the establishment of trust companies, investment banking practices, and the concept of 'too big to fail' in the financial industry.

What is one example of a merger facilitated by J.P. Morgan?

One example is the merger of Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston Electric Company, which led to the formation of General Electric.

How did J.P. Morgan's influence extend beyond the financial sector?

J.P. Morgan was also an avid art collector, philanthropist, and played a role in shaping U.S. foreign policy during the early 20th century.

What are some key characteristics of finance capitalism?

Key characteristics include the dominance of financial institutions, profit-driven motives, reliance on capital markets, and the pursuit of monopolistic power.

What impact did J.P. Morgan have on the United States' industrial growth?

J.P. Morgan's financial resources and strategic investments played a significant role in supporting industrial expansion and infrastructure development in the United States.

How did J.P. Morgan handle financial crises?

J.P. Morgan acted as a lender of last resort, providing financial support to stabilize the banking system and prevent widespread panic during times of crisis.

What is another name for finance capitalism?

Another name for finance capitalism is 'financialization.'

What is one legacy of J.P. Morgan in the field of finance?

One legacy is the establishment of investment banking as a distinct sector within the financial industry.


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Test Your Knowledge

Who was J.P. Morgan?

What is finance capitalism?

When did J.P. Morgan live?

What is the significance of J.P. Morgan in relation to finance capitalism?

How did finance capitalism impact the economy?

What were some criticisms of finance capitalism during J.P. Morgan's time?

How did J.P. Morgan's actions impact the development of modern banking and finance?

What is one example of a merger facilitated by J.P. Morgan?

What are some key characteristics of finance capitalism?

What impact did J.P. Morgan have on the United States' industrial growth?

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