Flashcards on Jules Verne

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Who is the author of the book 'Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea'?

Jules Verne

Which famous adventure novel was written by Jules Verne?

Around the World in Eighty Days

In which century was Jules Verne born?

19th century

What is Jules Verne often called?

Father of Science Fiction

Which popular adventure novel by Jules Verne is set in a hot air balloon?

Five Weeks in a Balloon

Jules Verne was a famous writer from which country?


Which novel by Jules Verne takes place in the Earth's core?

Journey to the Center of the Earth

What is the full name of the author commonly known as Jules Verne?

Jules Gabriel Verne

One of the most famous novels by Jules Verne is 'From the Earth to the Moon'. True or false?


Which book by Jules Verne features the character Phileas Fogg?

Around the World in Eighty Days

Jules Verne's novels belong to which genre?


Which novel by Jules Verne is set in a post-apocalyptic world?

The Mysterious Island

What is the English translation of the author's name 'Jules Verne'?

Julius Verne

In which year did Jules Verne pass away?


Which novel by Jules Verne explores the depths of the ocean?

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea


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Test Your Knowledge

Who is often referred to as the 'Father of Science Fiction'?

Which country was Jules Verne from?

Which novel by Jules Verne is set during the American Civil War?

In which century was Jules Verne born?

Which novel by Jules Verne features the character Captain Nemo?

What is the English translation of Jules Verne's name?

Which novel by Jules Verne involves a journey to the moon?

Which famous adventure novel starts in London and ends in London?

Which novel by Jules Verne involves the exploration of the Earth's depths?

Which novel by Jules Verne is set in the future year of 1866?

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