Flashcards on Kansas-Nebraska Act

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What was the purpose of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

To allow popular sovereignty in determining the issue of slavery in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska.

Who proposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Stephen A. Douglas

In what year was the Kansas-Nebraska Act passed?


What major issue did the Kansas-Nebraska Act intensify?

The issue of slavery

What was the effect of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

It led to increased sectional tensions and violence in Kansas, further dividing the North and South.

What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act repeal?

The Missouri Compromise of 1820

What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act lead to?

The formation of the Republican Party

Who opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Abolitionists and anti-slavery supporters

What was the outcome of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Bloody conflicts and violence in Kansas known as 'Bleeding Kansas'

Why was the Kansas-Nebraska Act controversial?

It allowed for the expansion of slavery into territories where it had previously been prohibited by the Missouri Compromise.

What was the primary motive behind the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

To create a transcontinental railroad route through the central United States

How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act impact the political landscape of the United States?

It heightened tensions between the North and South, leading to the eventual outbreak of the American Civil War.

What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act establish in regards to slavery?

It allowed the possibility of slavery expanding into previously free territories.

Who supported the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Southern politicians and pro-slavery advocates

What was the result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in terms of popular sovereignty?

It led to violent clashes between pro-slavery and anti-slavery factions vying for control in Kansas.


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Test Your Knowledge

What was the purpose of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Who proposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

When was the Kansas-Nebraska Act passed?

What major issue did the Kansas-Nebraska Act intensify?

What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act repeal?

What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act lead to?

Who opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Why was the Kansas-Nebraska Act controversial?

What was the primary motive behind the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

How did the Kansas-Nebraska Act impact the political landscape of the United States?

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