Flashcards on Khilafat Movement

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What was the Khilafat Movement?

A political movement by Indian Muslims to restore the Ottoman Caliphate's authority.

When did the Khilafat Movement take place?

From 1919 to 1924.

Who were the key leaders of the Khilafat Movement?

Mohammad Ali and Shaukat Ali.

What was the main objective of the Khilafat Movement?

To protect the Ottoman Caliphate and fight for Indian Muslim rights.

What was the impact of the Khilafat Movement?

It led to widespread Hindu-Muslim unity and mass protests.


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When did the Khilafat Movement occur?

Who were the key leaders of the Khilafat Movement?

What was the main objective of the Khilafat Movement?

Which year marked the end of the Khilafat Movement?

What was the impact of the Khilafat Movement?

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