Flashcards on La Consommation

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What is 'la consommation'?


What does 'la consommation' refer to?

The act of using goods and services

Why is 'la consommation' important in an economy?

It contributes to economic growth

Name one factor that influences 'la consommation'.


What are the two types of 'la consommation'?

Goods and services

What is the opposite of 'la consommation'?


What are some examples of goods in 'la consommation'?

Food, clothes, electronics

What are some examples of services in 'la consommation'?

Transportation, healthcare, education

How does 'la consommation' affect the environment?

It can lead to resource depletion and pollution

What is the role of advertising in 'la consommation'?

To influence consumer behavior and promote products

What are the benefits of responsible 'la consommation'?

Reduced waste and environmental impact

What are the consequences of excessive 'la consommation'?

Debt and overconsumption of resources

What measures can be taken to promote sustainable 'la consommation'?

Encouraging recycling and supporting eco-friendly products

What is the impact of 'la consommation' on global trade?

Increased demand for imported goods

What role does 'la consommation' play in the economy?

It drives economic activity and creates jobs


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the meaning of 'la consommation'?

Which of the following factors influences 'la consommation'?

What are the two main types of 'la consommation'?

What is the role of advertising in 'la consommation'?

What are the consequences of excessive 'la consommation'?

How does 'la consommation' affect the environment?

What are the benefits of responsible 'la consommation'?

What is the impact of 'la consommation' on global trade?

What role does 'la consommation' play in the economy?

What measures can be taken to promote sustainable 'la consommation'?

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