Flashcards on Lamb to Slaughter: Plot Elements

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Who is the main character in 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

Mary Maloney

What is the setting of 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

Mary and Patrick Maloney's home

What is the conflict in 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

Mary killing her husband

What is the climax of the story 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

Mary hitting her husband with a frozen leg of lamb

What is the resolution of 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

Mary cleverly feeding the leg of lamb to the investigators

Who is the victim in 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

Patrick Maloney

What is the theme of 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

Appearances can be deceiving

Who investigates the murder in 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

The police detectives

What is the rising action in 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

Mary planning and executing her husband's murder

What is the falling action in 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

The investigators eating the leg of lamb

What is the tone of the story 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

Darkly humorous

What is the point of view in 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

Third person limited

What is the inciting incident in 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

Patrick telling Mary he's leaving her

What is the foreshadowing in 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

Mary waiting for her husband with the frozen leg of lamb

What is the irony in 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

The police detectives unknowingly eating the murder weapon


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Who is the main character in 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

What is the resolution of 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

What is the tone of the story 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

What is the rising action in 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

Who investigates the murder in 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

What is the climax of the story 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

What is the foreshadowing in 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

What is the falling action in 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

Who is the victim in 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

What is the irony in 'Lamb to Slaughter'?

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