Flashcards on Laser Physics

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What is a laser?

A laser is a device that emits light through a process of optical amplification based on the stimulated emission of electromagnetic radiation.

What is the full form of LASER?

LASER stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

Which property of light is utilized in laser operation?

The property of stimulated emission is utilized in laser operation.

What is the active medium in a laser?

The active medium in a laser is the material that produces the laser light.

What is optical amplification?

Optical amplification is the process of increasing the intensity of light signals.

What is the function of a laser cavity?

The laser cavity is responsible for providing feedback to sustain laser oscillation.

What is population inversion?

Population inversion is when more atoms or molecules are in an excited state than in the ground state.

What is the difference between spontaneous emission and stimulated emission?

Spontaneous emission occurs randomly, while stimulated emission is triggered by external energy.

What are some applications of lasers?

Some applications of lasers include cutting, welding, medical treatments, and communication systems.

What is the concept of coherence in laser physics?

Coherence refers to the property of light waves having a constant phase relationship.

What is the principle behind laser cooling and trapping?

Laser cooling and trapping is based on the principle of using laser light to slow down and control the motion of atoms or molecules.

What is the difference between continuous-wave lasers and pulsed lasers?

Continuous-wave lasers emit a continuous beam of light, while pulsed lasers emit light in short bursts.

What is the role of mirrors in a laser?

Mirrors are used to reflect and guide the light within the laser cavity, allowing for amplification and feedback.

What is lasing threshold?

Lasing threshold is the minimum amount of energy required to achieve laser operation.

How does the power output of a laser relate to the pump power?

The power output of a laser is directly proportional to the pump power.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the active medium in a laser?

What is the principle behind laser cooling and trapping?

Which property of light is utilized in laser operation?

What is the difference between spontaneous emission and stimulated emission?

What is the full form of LASER?

What is the concept of coherence in laser physics?

What is the function of a laser cavity?

What is population inversion?

What is the role of mirrors in a laser?

What are some applications of lasers?

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