Flashcards on Light and Reflection

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What is light?

Electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye.

What is reflection?

The bouncing back of light when it hits a surface.

What is an incident ray?

A ray of light that strikes a surface.

What is a reflected ray?

A ray of light that bounces off a surface.

What is a normal?

An imaginary line that is perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence.

Define angle of incidence.

The angle between the incident ray and the normal line.

Define angle of reflection.

The angle between the reflected ray and the normal line.

What is the law of reflection?

The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

What is a virtual image?

An image that cannot be formed on a screen as the rays do not actually converge.

What is a real image?

An image that can be formed on a screen as the rays actually converge.

What is a convex mirror?

A mirror that curves outward and forms a smaller, virtual image.

What is a concave mirror?

A mirror that curves inward and forms a larger, virtual or real image depending on the object's position.

What is a plane mirror?

A flat mirror that reflects light waves in a continuous, unbroken manner.

What is refraction?

The bending of light as it passes from one medium to another.

What is total internal reflection?

The complete reflection of light back into its original medium due to a high angle of incidence.

What is dispersion?

The separation of white light into its constituent colors.

What is light?

Electromagnetic radiation that is visible to the human eye.

What is reflection?

The bouncing back of light when it hits a surface.

What is an incident ray?

A ray of light that strikes a surface.

What is a reflected ray?

A ray of light that bounces off a surface.

What is a normal?

An imaginary line that is perpendicular to the surface at the point of incidence.

Define angle of incidence.

The angle between the incident ray and the normal line.

Define angle of reflection.

The angle between the reflected ray and the normal line.

What is the law of reflection?

The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

What is a virtual image?

An image that cannot be formed on a screen as the rays do not actually converge.

What is a real image?

An image that can be formed on a screen as the rays actually converge.

What is a convex mirror?

A mirror that curves outward and forms a smaller, virtual image.

What is a concave mirror?

A mirror that curves inward and forms a larger, virtual or real image depending on the object's position.

What is a plane mirror?

A flat mirror that reflects light waves in a continuous, unbroken manner.

What is refraction?

The bending of light as it passes from one medium to another.

What is total internal reflection?

The complete reflection of light back into its original medium due to a high angle of incidence.

What is dispersion?

The separation of white light into its constituent colors.


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