Flashcards on Literary Movements: Romanticism

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What is Romanticism?

Romanticism is an artistic, literary, and intellectual movement that originated in Europe in the late 18th century, highlighting individuality, imagination, emotions, and nature.

When did Romanticism occur?

Romanticism occurred during the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

Who were the major writers of the Romanticism movement?

Major writers of the Romanticism movement include William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Blake, Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and John Keats.

What were the key themes of Romanticism?

Key themes of Romanticism include nature, imagination, emotion, individuality, spontaneity, and the supernatural.

How did Romanticism influence literature?

Romanticism influenced literature by encouraging writers to focus on emotions, individual experiences, and nature, as well as rejecting traditional conventions.

What is the significance of nature in Romantic literature?

Nature is significant in Romantic literature as it represents beauty, freedom, spirituality, and a connection to the divine.

What is the role of emotions in Romantic literature?

Emotions play a central role in Romantic literature, emphasizing the expression of passion, love, and intense personal experiences.

What is the supernatural element in Romantic literature?

The supernatural element in Romantic literature often involves mysterious or magical occurrences, supernatural beings, or exploration of the unknown.

How did Romanticism differ from the Enlightenment period?

Romanticism differed from the Enlightenment period by valuing emotion over reason, nature over industrialization, and individuality over society's expectations.

What are some examples of Romantic literary works?

Examples of Romantic literary works include 'Frankenstein' by Mary Shelley, 'Songs of Innocence and Experience' by William Blake, and 'Ode to a Nightingale' by John Keats.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is Romanticism?

When did Romanticism occur?

Who were some major writers of the Romanticism movement?

What were the key themes of Romanticism?

What is the significance of nature in Romantic literature?

What is the role of emotions in Romantic literature?

What did Romanticism reject?

How did Romanticism differ from the Enlightenment period?

What are some examples of Romantic literary works?

What is the supernatural element in Romantic literature?

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