Flashcards on Little Rock Nine

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What was the name given to the group of African American students who enrolled in Little Rock Central High School in 1957?

Little Rock Nine

In what year did the events surrounding the Little Rock Nine occur?


Who was the governor of Arkansas during the Little Rock Nine crisis?

Orval Faubus

What was the main reason for the opposition to the enrollment of African American students in Little Rock Central High School?

Segregation and racism

Who was the president of the United States at the time of the Little Rock Nine crisis?

Dwight D. Eisenhower

What was the significant outcome of the Little Rock Nine crisis?

It led to the enforcement of school desegregation and the protection of the rights of African American students.

Which landmark Supreme Court case paved the way for the integration of public schools?

Brown v. Board of Education

Who was the first African American student to graduate from Little Rock Central High School?

Ernest Green

What were the consequences faced by the Little Rock Nine students during their enrollment?

They were subjected to verbal and physical abuse, harassment, and intimidation.

What role did the 101st Airborne Division play in the Little Rock Nine crisis?

They were deployed by President Eisenhower to protect the African American students and enforce desegregation.

Which Civil Rights leader provided guidance and support to the Little Rock Nine?

Daisy Bates

How long did the Little Rock Nine crisis last?

Throughout the entire 1957-1958 school year

What was the initial reaction of the white students and community towards the Little Rock Nine?

They expressed anger, hostility, and resistance towards the African American students.

What barriers did the Little Rock Nine students face when trying to enter the high school?

They were initially prevented from entering by a mob of angry white protesters.

What role did the media play during the events of the Little Rock Nine?

The media brought national attention to the crisis, influencing public opinion.


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Test Your Knowledge

Who was the governor of Arkansas during the Little Rock Nine crisis?

What was the significant outcome of the Little Rock Nine crisis?

Which Civil Rights leader provided guidance and support to the Little Rock Nine?

What was the main reason for the opposition to the enrollment of African American students in Little Rock Central High School?

Who was the president of the United States at the time of the Little Rock Nine crisis?

What role did the 101st Airborne Division play in the Little Rock Nine crisis?

What were the consequences faced by the Little Rock Nine students during their enrollment?

Which landmark Supreme Court case paved the way for the integration of public schools?

What role did the media play during the events of the Little Rock Nine?

What was the initial reaction of the white students and community towards the Little Rock Nine?

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