Flashcards on Management Theories

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Who is considered the father of Scientific Management?

Frederick Winslow Taylor

Which management theorist proposed the Theory X and Theory Y?

Douglas McGregor

What is the main focus of the Human Relations Theory?

The study of how people interact within the workplace

What is the main goal of the Contingency Theory?

To find the best management approach to fit a particular situation

Who developed the Management by Objectives (MBO) theory?

Peter Drucker

What is the primary focus of the Systems Theory?

The study of the organization as a whole, rather than just individual parts

Which management theorist emphasized the importance of delegation?

Mary Parker Follett

Who is credited with developing the Administrative Management Theory?

Henri Fayol

Which management theorist proposed the Hierarchy of Needs?

Abraham Maslow

What is the main idea of the Theory of Scientific Management?

To increase productivity through the use of scientific methods

Which management theorist is known for their work on Total Quality Management (TQM)?

W. Edwards Deming

What is the main focus of the Theory Z?

The study of the Japanese management approach

Who is credited with developing the Theory of Bureaucracy?

Max Weber

Which management theorist proposed the Theory of Constraints?

Eliyahu Goldratt

What is the main idea of the Participative Management Theory?

To involve employees in the decision-making process

Who is considered the father of Scientific Management?

Frederick Winslow Taylor

Which management theorist proposed the Theory X and Theory Y?

Douglas McGregor

What is the main focus of the Human Relations Theory?

The study of how people interact within the workplace

What is the main goal of the Contingency Theory?

To find the best management approach to fit a particular situation

Who developed the Management by Objectives (MBO) theory?

Peter Drucker

What is the primary focus of the Systems Theory?

The study of the organization as a whole, rather than just individual parts

Which management theorist emphasized the importance of delegation?

Mary Parker Follett

Who is credited with developing the Administrative Management Theory?

Henri Fayol

Which management theorist proposed the Hierarchy of Needs?

Abraham Maslow

What is the main idea of the Theory of Scientific Management?

To increase productivity through the use of scientific methods

Which management theorist is known for their work on Total Quality Management (TQM)?

W. Edwards Deming

What is the main focus of the Theory Z?

The study of the Japanese management approach

Who is credited with developing the Theory of Bureaucracy?

Max Weber

Which management theorist proposed the Theory of Constraints?

Eliyahu Goldratt

What is the main idea of the Participative Management Theory?

To involve employees in the decision-making process


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