Flashcards on Marriage

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What is marriage?

A legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship.

What are the different types of marriages?

Monogamy, Polygamy, and Polyandry are some forms of marriage.

What is monogamy?

A marriage involving only two individuals.

What is polygamy?

A marriage involving more than two partners.

What is polyandry?

A form of polygamy where a woman has multiple husbands.

What is an arranged marriage?

A marriage where the partners are selected by someone else, typically their families.

What is a civil marriage?

A marriage performed and recognized by a government official rather than a religious institution.

What is a religious marriage?

A marriage performed and recognized by a religious institution.

What is the purpose of a marriage ceremony?

To publicly declare and celebrate the union of two individuals.

What are some common wedding traditions?

Exchanging vows, exchanging rings, and cutting the wedding cake are some examples.

What are the legal requirements for marriage?

Age of consent, marriage license, and witnesses are some common requirements.

What factors contribute to a successful marriage?

Communication, trust, mutual respect, and compromise are important factors.

What is the difference between a wedding and a marriage?

A wedding refers to the ceremony and celebration, while marriage refers to the legal and personal union.

What is a marriage contract?

A legally binding agreement between spouses regarding the terms of their marriage.

What are the benefits of marriage?

Legal and financial protections, emotional support, and companionship are some benefits.


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Test Your Knowledge

What is the legal definition of marriage?

What is monogamy?

What is the purpose of a marriage ceremony?

What are the legal requirements for marriage?

What is the difference between a wedding and a marriage?

What is an arranged marriage?

What factors contribute to a successful marriage?

What is a civil marriage?

What are the benefits of marriage?

What is a marriage contract?

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