Flashcards on Martin Luther and the 95 Theses

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Who was the person known for writing the 95 Theses?

Martin Luther

What were the 95 Theses?

A list of grievances against the Catholic Church

In which year were the 95 Theses written?


What was the main issue Luther criticized in the 95 Theses?

The sale of indulgences

Which document sparked the Protestant Reformation?

The 95 Theses

What language were the 95 Theses originally written in?


Who was the Pope during Martin Luther's time?

Pope Leo X

What impact did the 95 Theses have on the Catholic Church?

It led to the Reformation and the creation of Protestantism

Where was Martin Luther from?


What was Martin Luther's profession before becoming a religious reformer?

He was a Catholic monk

How many copies of the 95 Theses were printed and distributed?

Unknown, but it is believed to be in the thousands

Who was the Holy Roman Emperor during Martin Luther's time?

Emperor Charles V

What impact did the 95 Theses have on literacy?

They helped spread literacy as more people wanted to read the document

What is the significance of the 95 Theses?

They challenged the authority of the Catholic Church and started a religious revolution

What religious denomination did Martin Luther establish?



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Who wrote the 95 Theses?

When were the 95 Theses written?

What was the main issue Martin Luther criticized in the 95 Theses?

What language were the 95 Theses written in?

Who was the Pope during Martin Luther's time?

What impact did the 95 Theses have on the Catholic Church?

Where was Martin Luther from?

What was Martin Luther's profession before becoming a religious reformer?

Who was the Holy Roman Emperor during Martin Luther's time?

What religious denomination did Martin Luther establish?

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