Flashcards on Mexican Revolution and Pancho Villa

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When did the Mexican Revolution begin?


Who was the leader of the Mexican Revolution?

Francisco Madero

Which side did Pancho Villa fight for during the Mexican Revolution?

Divided his forces to fight for both sides

Where was Pancho Villa born?

Durango, Mexico

What was the main cause of the Mexican Revolution?

Social and economic inequality

Who was the President of Mexico during the Mexican Revolution?

Porfirio Diaz

What was the main goal of Pancho Villa during the Mexican Revolution?

Land reform and improved working conditions

Which battle did Pancho Villa win in 1914?

Battle of Zacatecas

What was the outcome of the Mexican Revolution?

A new constitution and political stability

Who assassinated Francisco Madero?

Victoriano Huerta

What was the nickname of Francisco Villa?

Pancho Villa

Which country supported Pancho Villa during the Mexican Revolution?

United States

What was the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) fighting for during the Mexican Revolution?

Land and agrarian reforms

What happened to Pancho Villa in 1923?

He was assassinated

Which foreign country provided support to the Mexican government during the Mexican Revolution?



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Test Your Knowledge

Who was the leader of the Mexican Revolution?

Where was Pancho Villa born?

What was the main cause of the Mexican Revolution?

What was the main goal of Pancho Villa during the Mexican Revolution?

Which battle did Pancho Villa win in 1914?

Who assassinated Francisco Madero?

What was the nickname of Francisco Villa?

Which country supported Pancho Villa during the Mexican Revolution?

What happened to Pancho Villa in 1923?

Which foreign country provided support to the Mexican government during the Mexican Revolution?

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