Flashcards on Microeconomics

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What is microeconomics?

Microeconomics is the branch of economics that deals with the behavior of individual economic units such as households, firms, and markets.

What are the basic principles of microeconomics?

The basic principles of microeconomics include supply and demand, opportunity cost, elasticity, market structures, and the role of government.

Explain the concept of scarcity in microeconomics.

Scarcity refers to the limited availability of resources relative to the unlimited wants and needs of individuals and society.

What is the difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics?

Microeconomics focuses on individual economic units, while macroeconomics examines the economy as a whole and factors such as inflation, unemployment, and economic growth.

Define price elasticity of demand in microeconomics.

Price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in price, indicating how sensitive consumers are to price changes.

What are the determinants of supply in microeconomics?

Determinants of supply include production costs, technology, government regulations, number of sellers, and expectations of future prices.

Explain the concept of market equilibrium in microeconomics.

Market equilibrium occurs when the quantity demanded by consumers equals the quantity supplied by producers, resulting in a stable price and quantity.

Discuss the role of government in microeconomics.

The government plays a role in microeconomics through regulations, taxation, subsidies, and policies aimed at correcting market failures and promoting fairness.

What is a monopoly in microeconomics?

A monopoly is a market structure in which there is only one seller, giving the seller significant control over prices and limiting competition.

Explain the concept of perfect competition in microeconomics.

Perfect competition is a market structure characterized by a large number of buyers and sellers, identical products, perfect information, and ease of entry and exit.

What is the concept of opportunity cost in microeconomics?

Opportunity cost refers to the value of the next best alternative forgone when making a decision, indicating the trade-offs involved.

Discuss the concept of elasticity of supply in microeconomics.

Elasticity of supply measures the responsiveness of quantity supplied to changes in price, indicating how sensitive producers are to price changes.

What are the different types of market structures studied in microeconomics?

The different types of market structures studied in microeconomics include perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, and oligopoly.

Explain the concept of consumer surplus in microeconomics.

Consumer surplus refers to the difference between the price a consumer is willing to pay for a product and the actual price they pay, representing the benefit gained.

What is the role of profits in microeconomics?

Profits serve as a motivator for firms to allocate resources efficiently, innovate, and compete in the market to maximize their financial gains.

What is microeconomics?

Microeconomics is the branch of economics that deals with the behavior of individual economic units such as households, firms, and markets.

What are the basic principles of microeconomics?

The basic principles of microeconomics include supply and demand, opportunity cost, elasticity, market structures, and the role of government.

Explain the concept of scarcity in microeconomics.

Scarcity refers to the limited availability of resources relative to the unlimited wants and needs of individuals and society.

What is the difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics?

Microeconomics focuses on individual economic units, while macroeconomics examines the economy as a whole and factors such as inflation, unemployment, and economic growth.

Define price elasticity of demand in microeconomics.

Price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in price, indicating how sensitive consumers are to price changes.

What are the determinants of supply in microeconomics?

Determinants of supply include production costs, technology, government regulations, number of sellers, and expectations of future prices.

Explain the concept of market equilibrium in microeconomics.

Market equilibrium occurs when the quantity demanded by consumers equals the quantity supplied by producers, resulting in a stable price and quantity.

Discuss the role of government in microeconomics.

The government plays a role in microeconomics through regulations, taxation, subsidies, and policies aimed at correcting market failures and promoting fairness.

What is a monopoly in microeconomics?

A monopoly is a market structure in which there is only one seller, giving the seller significant control over prices and limiting competition.

Explain the concept of perfect competition in microeconomics.

Perfect competition is a market structure characterized by a large number of buyers and sellers, identical products, perfect information, and ease of entry and exit.

What is the concept of opportunity cost in microeconomics?

Opportunity cost refers to the value of the next best alternative forgone when making a decision, indicating the trade-offs involved.

Discuss the concept of elasticity of supply in microeconomics.

Elasticity of supply measures the responsiveness of quantity supplied to changes in price, indicating how sensitive producers are to price changes.

What are the different types of market structures studied in microeconomics?

The different types of market structures studied in microeconomics include perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, and oligopoly.

Explain the concept of consumer surplus in microeconomics.

Consumer surplus refers to the difference between the price a consumer is willing to pay for a product and the actual price they pay, representing the benefit gained.

What is the role of profits in microeconomics?

Profits serve as a motivator for firms to allocate resources efficiently, innovate, and compete in the market to maximize their financial gains.


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