Flashcards on Modern History: Cold War Era

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Which two superpowers were the main rivals during the Cold War?

United States and Soviet Union

What was the key ideological conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union during the Cold War?

Capitalism vs Communism

When did the Cold War begin?


What was the policy of containment?

Strategy to prevent the spread of communism

What was the Berlin Wall?

Concrete barrier separating East and West Berlin

What is the term for the state of political tension and military rivalry between the U.S. and the Soviet Union?

Cold War

Who coined the term 'iron curtain' to describe the division between Western Europe and the Soviet bloc?

Winston Churchill

What event marked the end of the Cold War?

Fall of the Berlin Wall

What was the purpose of the NATO alliance during the Cold War?

Collective defense against Soviet aggression

Which event led to heightened tensions during the Cold War and nearly resulted in a nuclear war?

Cuban Missile Crisis

Which country was divided into North and South during the Cold War?


Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during the majority of the Cold War?

Joseph Stalin

What was the purpose of the Warsaw Pact?

Military alliance of Soviet-controlled countries

What was the main goal of the Soviet Union during the Cold War?

Spread of communism

What was the policy of détente?

Period of improved relations between the U.S. and Soviet Union


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Test Your Knowledge

What was the key conflict between the U.S. and the Soviet Union during the Cold War?

When did the Cold War begin?

What is the term for the division between Western Europe and the Soviet bloc?

Which event marked the end of the Cold War?

What was the main goal of the Soviet Union during the Cold War?

Which country was divided into North and South during the Cold War?

Who was the leader of the Soviet Union during the majority of the Cold War?

What was the purpose of the Warsaw Pact?

What was the key turning point in the Cold War that caused a shift towards détente?

What was the policy of containment?

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