Flashcards on Molecules

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What are molecules?

Molecules are the smallest units of a substance that still retain the chemical properties of that substance.

How are molecules formed?

Molecules are formed when two or more atoms chemically bond together.

What is the difference between molecules and atoms?

Atoms are the basic building blocks of matter, while molecules are combinations of atoms.

Are all molecules the same?

No, molecules can be different depending on the types and arrangements of atoms.

Can molecules be seen with the naked eye?

No, molecules are too small to be seen with the naked eye.

What are examples of molecules?

Water (H2O), oxygen (O2), and carbon dioxide (CO2) are examples of molecules.

Do molecules exist in solid, liquid, and gas states?

Yes, molecules exist in all three states of matter.

Do all substances have molecules?

No, some substances exist as individual atoms instead of molecules.

Can molecules be broken down into smaller particles?

Yes, molecules can be broken down into atoms.

Are molecules always in motion?

Yes, molecules are constantly moving.

How do molecules interact with each other?

Molecules can attract or repel each other through interactions called chemical bonds.

What happens when molecules undergo a chemical reaction?

Molecules can rearrange their atoms and form new substances during a chemical reaction.

Can molecules have different shapes?

Yes, molecules can have different shapes based on the arrangement of their atoms.

How do molecules contribute to the properties of substances?

The types and arrangements of molecules determine the properties of substances.

What is the study of molecules called?

The study of molecules is called molecular science or molecular biology.


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Test Your Knowledge

What are molecules?

How are molecules formed?

Are molecules visible to the naked eye?

Do all substances have molecules?

What are examples of molecules?

Can molecules be broken down into atoms?

What happens when molecules undergo a chemical reaction?

Can molecules have different shapes?

How do molecules contribute to the properties of substances?

What is the study of molecules called?

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